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Creative Thinking Skills (CTS) is a module which encourages students to think outside the box with critical thinking and creative thinking skills to generate creative ideas based on a given brief. Through the mind maps, diagrams and sketches in our idea journals, we were able to create end products which fits the requirements of the brief.


This module was lead by Mr Charles, with Ms Delliya, Mr Paul and Ms Sufina leading our tutorial sessions. This module pushes us to think of ways to complete our task, and there are no boring textbook tasks for us to complete, only fun and interactive projects.

We were given three smaller scale assignments as well as a larger scale final assignment. Each of these assignments were accompanied with an idea journal where we recorded our thought and design process. Out of the assignments, my favourite was the first one where we had to make a working catapult. This assignment was a huge challenge, especially since it was thrust towards us at the very start of the semester, with high requirements for us to pass.

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