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Our second project is about creating a robot costume unique to our personality and hobbies. The project is an individual project and we were given 2 weeks to complete the project before presenting it to the lecturers.


My robot is a killer cyborg called Potato_Bot 2000. I related my robot to my interest in games like assassins creed as well as my in game username, which is pisspotato. I also like to eat potatoes, especially chips, crisps and mashed potatoes.



I made my robot suit out of cardboard and spray painted it gold to make it look shiny and metallic.

This is my final product. I got inspiration from a few video games which I played. My robot has a few abilities such as super strength, night and heat vision, 24/7 power on without the need to charge. My robot survives on potato power, so it complete assassination contracts for potatoes as payment to stay alive.


I feel that the character creation is one of the most interesting aspects to this project, as we had to think of things that are unique to you, instead of just copying ideas from other people to create a generic robot character. I feel that i could've made the costume better, but otherwise i was satisfied with my character.

This is the Idea Journal for my robot costume.

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