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July 27th to December 16, just about 4 and a half months was the duration of the semester, however I learned so many things, from learning how to observe more to learning how to make presentation slides, or a master plan of an area.


My favourite module has to be ENBE, I felt that it was the module that taught me the most, as well as showed my progress the most. From my scrapbook which was poorly done, to the final project, which was a project that I was proud of. 

FNBE was not easy to adapt to, but I managed to do so. Semester one felt like a new venture into architecture, which started off being unfamiliar and alien, but after being able to adapt to it, the experience seems really fun. I hope the next few semesters continue to introduce me to new things and I will be prepared for whatever challenge that comes my way.

WhatsApp Image 2016-09-25 at 1.07.12 AM
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