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ASSIGNMENT 3 - Gadget For Our Robot

Now that we have our robot, we were required to make a matching gadget for our robot. Our gadget must feature 3 manually operated mechanics. Similarly to the earlier projects, we were given around 2 weeks to create the gadget before presenting it to the lecturers.


My robot was a killer cyborg, so I felt that it would be appropriate for my gadget to be a weapon. I focused on two main aspects for my gadget, to be a lethal weapon which can be used to kill people, as well as to follow the theme of my potato-themed robot.



My gadget is a trident-styled staff featuring 3 mechanics. The first are retractable prongs to give it a trident appearance, the second is a blade in the middle which can be activated by twisting a button, and the last is a blade in the bottom which can be revealed to turn the staff into a sword. All three of my mechanics feature blades, which is felt is what a killer cyborg would use to kill his enemies. 


Like my robot, the staff is painted solid gold, with a potato on the top to give it its own identity as a potato robot's weapon.


This is my Idea Journal for this project

Out of the few projects that i have done, I feel that this had the worst workmanship quality. Glue stains, scratched paint, uneven surfaces and a flimsy feel made my gadget look like a middle school project. If I was to redo this, I would focus on creating a cleaner design which tucks in the mechanics inside the staff instead of showing outside.



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