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ASSIGNMENT 1 - Building A Catapult

This was the very first project we were given in this module, and it was one of the most interesting. We were tasked in creating a catapult which was capable of shooting a tennis ball over a distance of 10 metres and knock down a wall of cardboard boxes.


We were split into groups of 4. I was paired with Lih Yen, Pei Yan and Tian Xin, who all contributed alot in designing and building a catapult. We were given only about 2 weeks to plan and construct the catapult, which was not a lot of time, especially since we did not have experience before this project.



We initially planned to use the carpentry workshop in campus, however the workshop was not available at the time we needed it, so we resorted to using the architecture studios, with the degree students still on holiday. Our biggest problem was finding enough wood for the project, since we were not allowed to buy wood, but luckily we managed to get the wood we need.


Out first prototype failed miserable, being way too small and lacking the power or sturdiness to even launch a ball properly. Our second prototype was pretty successful, however the pipe we used as the arm snapped, leading us to have to find a replacement. We did not have enough time to design our catapult, so the design felt very rushed and unpolished.


This is my Idea Journal. It is actually just a mockup because I misplaced my original Idea Journal

We managed to achieve the target of knocking down three cardboard boxes, being only one of the few teams which managed the feat.



This project is still one of my favourite CTS projects, because it was one of my most successful projects, and it was the first big project in FNBE.

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