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FINAL ASSIGNMENT - Video Featuring Our Robots

For our final assignment, we were split into groups of 4 and were tasked to create a video featuring all 4 of our robots based of a provided word. I was paired with Lionel, Adele and Serik. The word given to us is PROVOCATION.​


Our video is set in the future, where robots are treated badly by humans. The main character is a human which finds or buys robots and orders them to provoke someone. The robots were not what he expected, which provoked him to react angrily to the robots. After hours of trying to make them follow his order, he finally got one to "provoke" someone, however the robot ended up just asking the victim politely if he can provoke her.



We started by understanding our word, finding definitions, how people are provoked as well as what would provoke our robots. We also had to understand every one of our robot characters to be able to create a script which fits each robot in the video, showing the unique qualities of each robot that makes then irreplaceable.


Below are some of the notes we made about understanding our word and our characters.

Here is our video and the poster for our video:

It took us until just a few days before submission to confirm our idea. I helped in providing the idea of the video, while Adele wrote the script. After filming, Lionel and Adele edited the video while I helped create the poster. I actually came up with almost 10 different posters, so I presented all to the team to let them choose which do they like the best. The poster presented above was what we chose.


I targeted a minimalistic approach to the poster, with the only crowded part being the bottom, showcasing a few icons related to the video. I tried to follow a blockbuster movie poster style which are simple and only showing the title in the middle, giving the attention to the photo featured.




This video project taught us how to adapt our ideas to fit a very tight requirement. The idea creation process was the most difficult in this project taking us majority of the allocated time to create the script. I think this is probably the most challenging assignment for this module, so it was extremely satisfying to complete this.

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