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This was a long term project given to us. We were all tasked with producing a video in groups of 8-10 with our topic being "The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves" an excerpt taken from the famous Shakespeare play Julius Caesar. It was up to us to infer the meaning of the quote and come up with an interesting 15 minute long video relating to the quote.


I was in a group with Kai Yen, Jack, Tian Xin, Beverlee, Reyshmi, Yin Yee, Syazlan and Jefri. I took the role of assistant leader, passing the leader status to Kai Yen, but technically I was the one who lead the whole team to completing this project.


We were first supposed to submit a proposal for our lecturer to understand our story and give any opinions about our story. This is our proposal, which I typed:




The next step would be for the script, storyboard and schedule to be produced. Just like the proposal, I tasked myself in producing them. Here is the first version of our script. We actually did make changes as we act, but they were all improvised.

A few challenges that I had to face was that it was difficult to organize meetings, due to the extreme load of work we were given for other modules, and I fully understand why some of my teammates were not able to contribute as much. Another challenge was to write the lines of each character. I did not manage to display a strong understanding of all the characters, because some of the lines the characters spoke sounded cheap and cliche.


Here is our final video:

Once again we ran into a few challenges. The first problem was the lack of a proper video camera. I used my phone to film some of the scenes, but made the mistake of using someone else's phone to film a few scenes and deliver it to me through whatsapp, which severely compressed the video quality, leading to a few pixellated shots. The other problem was to be able to get everybody to have the time to film. Cancelled meetings were common during the production of the video, and it was rare to be able to film more than an hour at a time, which usually only translated to about two to three minutes of footage.


After the completion of the video, we were tasked with writing a report about how we felt about the video.



Overall, this was an interesting project, And I felt that I managed to learn many things from adapting to others needs, leading a team to even writing and filming a video. While it was a fun experience, I would not attempt this project again, especially since there will be more projects for me to tackle in the next semester.

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