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ASSIGNMENT 2B - Urban Redesign Proposal

After completing our site analysis, we were supposed to use what we have learned about the site to create a proposal about improving connectivity around the area. The groups we were in for the site visit were the groups which we are in to create this proposal.


We were required to create and present 3-6 A1 sized presentation boards, an A2 model of our site as well as a zoomed in A3 model focusing on our station's arrival area.




I was tasked in creating the presentation boards, as well as supervising my teammates in creating the model. It could be said that I did majority of the important planning and designing of the project. My house was used as our studio where we did all of our work. During the final week of the project, we could not even get sleep, because we were all so busy creating our models and presentation boards.

These few boards show our first few sketches and ideas which we had before we came up with our final presentation boards.

I started by drawing the masterplan by hand, but i decided to use SketchUp instead

This is a compilation of our model creation process, as well as the creation of the presentation boards. We stayed up until early in the morning at 3-4am every day in the week leading to the project.


We used polystyrene and sawdust to create the buildings of our first A2 model, and thick board to create the buildings of the zoomed in A3 model.

These are photos of our complete project, the one on the left is the A2 sized master plan, while the one on the right is the A3 sized focus area.


These are the final A1 sized presentation boards which I created.

This was probably the most challenging project of the semester. I had learned many things from adapting to teammates not at my level of work to creating designs which functions for the people, not just for the beauty of a design design. While it was the hardest and most challenging, it was also the one I enjoyed the most alongside the side analysis part. I think urban planning is an extremely challenging topic, but I would gladly take the challenge again when thrust upon me.

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