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ASSIGNMENT 2A - Site Analysis Booklet

Based on our experiences of Kuala Lumpur, we were supposed to create a site analysis booklet about our given area. Despite the fact that we all went to Kuala Lumpur as a team, this assignment is fully individual.


The focus of this project is about the connectivity and the transportation hubs which were assigned to us. We had to provide details such as the history and culture of the area, a site inventory as well as an analysis of the area and the station. We are supposed to compile it in a booklet, showing the information through diagrams in the maps.



This booklet is one of the most exciting projects I have done, and I wanted to make it look as good as possible, including giving it the best page designs I could create, as well as printing the best I could get, which was perfect binding, even though it did cost me quite a sum.


I went for a landscape orientation to be able to show my maps in a full page, which actually lead to me creating more pages that I initially expected.

This was probably the first project that is fully related to architecture, so it can be considered one of the most challenging to create, not only we had to go to our site multiple times, but we also had to compile it as neat and interesting as possible, which was a fun challenge.

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