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This trip focuses on the built environment Kuala Lumpur. All of us were given a site which focuses on a transport hub. We were given the site of KL Sentral, not the large train station but the monorail station. I was in a group with Kai Yen, Earn Zer, Zhi Zhen and Jack.


This time the trip was not organized by the lecturers. We had to organize our own transport to reach the site, and will have to go to site multiple times. My father dropped me off at a LRT station for me to take the KL Sentral station, which I then walked to the monorail station.



Our first visit was the least productive. We did not actually do enough research on how we should conduct the analysis and ended up just taking a few photos of the area. Subsequent visits increased our knowledge of the area and allowed us to make our site analysis booklet. Our final visit was when we needed more information and photographs of the area when we were making our design proposal.


We went around the whole site provided as well as riding the monorail, so we had a pretty good understanding of the area. We also went at different days and different times to experience the area differently. I actually never expected Kuala Lumpur to be like that, it was the first time I walked around brickfields. I usually just go to the KL Sentral station and ignore the surroundings, so this is a new experience for me.

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