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FINAL PROJECT - Tower Display Set

For the final project of the module, we were supposed to create a tower for our "client" which were Lego characters which were provided to us since the first week. Throughout the semester, we did research about our characters in a series of Design Process Journals.


My character is Galvatron, the leader of the Decepticons.

While I was stuck and confused about the other two projects, this project piqued my interest again, and provided me motivation to create a tower.


I decided to base my design on the transformation of Galvatron in the movie, which he breaks into tiny pieces before being reformed. Based on the transformation, I chose the word Molecular to be the keyword of my design.



After refining my idea, I created my final model. I coloured it a metallic black and blue to reflect the design of my character. My base shows the metal plates of the surface of Cybertron, As for the background, it shows a dystopian city of Cybertron after Galvatron took over it.

At first it felt that I was going nowhere wth my ideas, but then I realized that I should decide on the function of the tower before attempting to design the tower. 


The function of my tower is a military base for Galvatron, with dedicated spaces for a control centre, watch tower, armory and a power generator. I also decided that the tower will be located on Cybertron, the transformer's home planet. After deciding on the function of each space, I made a mockup of the tower based on my word and the function of the tower.

Firstly we had to show weekly progress. We made a few models every week and our work was usually rejected, or needed some refinement

I also had to prepare two A1 boards which explains my design concept, design process, tower functions and orthographic drawings. I used a theme based on the square cubes he becomes during his transformation, with the background being Cybertron. I got inspiration of the design from architecture presentation boards.

Once I completed my work, all of us had to present our work to a guest panel. I presented my work to Ar. Ridha Razak, who liked my ideas, and gave me useful comments.

This is without a doubt my favourite project for this module, and one of my three favourite projects in this foundation course. While it was challenging, and there were lots of rejection of ideas, this project was a great experience for all of us. 


With the completion of this project, I have finally completed my foundation course, and after everything I learned during this one year course, I feel that I am prepared to take on the projects that will be given to us in degree.

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