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ASSIGNMENT 2 - Orthographic Drawings

For this project we were supposed to draw orthographic drawings of an object of our choice. I chose my gaming mouse, the Logitech G402. We had to draw a plan view, three elevations, a section, two detailed drawings as well as a perspectice drawing. We had to arrange our drawings on an A2 paper, folded into a pamphlet.

We were introduced to drawing tools for this project. To create orthographic drawings, we had to use tools such as a ruler, circle template and french curve to draw all the lines. We also had to use fineliners of different tip sizes to exhibit line weight.

The hardest part for this project was to draw the curves. I had no prior experience with the french curve so i had to learn how to use it. I was also unsure with lineweight and often did not show a huge difference between some of the lines. This was overall an interesting project and I felt that my drawing skills improved a lot.

We had to show weekly progress of our drawings for our tutor to approve and to tell us how we can improve our drawings.

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