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ASSIGNMENT 1 - Sketching objects as a group

For this project were were assigned to groups of 6. This assignment is split into two weeks, and we have two hours during the class time to draw what was assigned to us. At the end of each class we had to pin up our work to be graded.

In the first week we were tasked to sketch out drawings of a fruit. We were given a starfruit. We needed to draw a total of 6 drawings which were a top view, two elevations, two sections and one perspective drawing

The hardest part in this assignment was how the 6 of us can draw at the same time, but in the end we managed to adapt to the difficulty and complete it. Following the instructions for the second part was difficult and taught us the importance of visual diagrams in instructions, which is way better than to try and follow a wall of text.

For the second week we had to draw an instructional diagram to show how to do a certain task. We had to show how to arrange a dining table. We showed the list of cutlery at the side and the arrangement in the middle

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