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ASSIGNMENT 2 - Scrapbook about a Company

We were supposed to select a local Small and Medium company (SME) and create a scrapbook detailing the company background, organizational structure, management structures of the company and suggest a sustainable initiate the company could adopt for the future.


I was in a team with Salman, Jefri and Syazlan and we chose the company Sunsuria, which was a small developer with about a hundred permanent employees. My Salman and Jefri did some light research to give me some information, while Syazlan did nothing at all. I was the one who designed and compiled the scrapbook


This was our scrapbook:


This project is the biggest project of the Business Enterprise module, and it was actually quite challenging, especially since I had to contribute the most, but it was actually alot easier than the other projects given to us, so I actually left this for last.

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